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Pupil Premium

Welcome to our page on Pupil Premium. Here you can read about who qualifies, and how to check if you meet the criteria. You can also follow a link to see how we support students who receive Pupil Premium funding. We really want to help and support you both with checking if you qualify and with everything once you do.

Please contact us if you want any help or support.


Mrs K Starkie
Assistant Headteacher

Tel: 01335 343685 (ext. 11506) or email:

Children aged 5-16 are normally eligible:

  • If they have received Free School Meals in the last 6 years
  • If they are, or have been, looked-after children
  • If they are service children, as they can access the Service Child Premium

Free School Meals

If your child is eligible for Free School Meals your child would receive up to £3 per day to spend on hot food or sandwiches at school. Other students cannot see which children receive free school meals, meals are rung through the till in the canteen in the same way as other food.

Many children, aged 5-18, qualify for Free School Meals, and 80% of families who can apply do in Derbyshire. It doesn’t take long to apply and can be done at any time.

To find out if your child is eligible for Free School Meals please contact:

By applying online you will be informed immediately if you are entitled or not. Once entitlement is confirmed, we will be notified and your child will start to receive their free school meals. If you have any problems accessing or filling in the online forms, please let us know and we will be able to help.

If your child has been receiving Free School Meals from another Local Authority, such as Derby City, you will need to reapply when your child joins QEGS:

How we spend Pupil Premium: Pupil Premium Documents

QEGS Pupil Premium Strategy Statement

Catch Up Funding

We take a lot of time to plan how best to spend the Pupil Premium money. We talk with all our students who qualify and target our help and support on three main areas. These are our teaching, our academic support for their learning, and wider non-academic approaches.

Since the start of the pandemic it has become clearer than ever that making sure teaching and feedback is of the highest quality really matters. The pandemic has also shown the importance of giving everyone high-quality wider experiences. These grow confidence and resilience, opening up possibilities for both now and the future.

If you are a member of our QEGS community, and feel you can help us increase our opportunities even further we would love to hear from you via the contact information above.

© 2025 Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School, Ashbourne Derbyshire Made by CODA Education

You can request a paper copy of the information contained on this website, free of charge. Please contact Reception to arrange this.
QEGSMAT is a company limited by guarantee registered in England & Wales (Company No. 07698914)

Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School, Ashbourne Derbyshire