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The Canteen Menu

Healthy Schools

We support the health and well-being of our students and staff through a well-planned, taught curriculum in an environment that promotes learning and healthy lifestyle choices. We consider health matters through a range of subjects rather than seeing it as the responsibility of one particular area. We take this view as we believe investing in our student’s health and wellbeing also assist in the process of raising student achievement.

Naturally health and wellbeing feature heavily in the school’s wellbeing tutorial programme, as well as in our diverse and inclusive approach to PE. However there are also obvious links to many other curriculum areas and all contribute to the physical, mental, and emotional health of our students. Beyond the curriculum we encourage our school to be a healthy one through our broad range of clubs and activities, our celebration of success, and our excellent school meals service.

The importance of a balanced diet is consistently communicated throughout the school and it is made clear the emphasis is to enable safe and effective learning as well as providing a foundation for good health. In more recent years we have moved to ensuring:

  • High quality meat, poultry or oily fish is available on a regular basis;
  • All meat is organic and locally sourced. All meat and poultry are British.
  • Deep fried items are restricted to no more than two portions per week;
  • Pupils are served a minimum of two fruit or vegetable portions with every meal;
  • Foods containing high levels of salt and sugar are avoided;
  • Fizzy drinks have been replaced with water, milk, fruit juices and yoghurt drinks;
  • Crisps, chocolate and other confectionery are no longer available.

© 2025 Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School, Ashbourne Derbyshire Made by CODA Education

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QEGSMAT is a company limited by guarantee registered in England & Wales (Company No. 07698914)

Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School, Ashbourne Derbyshire