Careers Leader:
Ms K Morgan or phone on 01335 343685 (11546)
What is Careers Education about?
Careers education prepares you for the world after school. This includes thinking about how you look after yourself as an adult, how you relate to other people and how you fit into society. We provide information, guidance and help with making decisions about the future to all students from Y9 upwards. This includes:
- Options for study up to age 16. (GCSEs, Vocational Courses etc.)
- Post-16 options including sixth form, college, apprenticeships, training and university study, and entry to a range of jobs and careers.
Provider Access Requests
A provider wishing to request access should contact Ms K Morgan or phone on 01335 343685 (11546).
Who Can Help You?
Ms K Morgan: is available within school to provide information and advice about Post Year 11 and Post 6th Form Opportunities in addition to general information on career and study options. Miss Whieldon is also available to give support and advice to students in Years 10 & 12 trying to arrange Work Experience placements. Contact details: or phone on 01335 343685 (11546).
Luminate Careers Advisors visit the school regularly to give advice and guidance to students about career options. If you would like to make an appointment with an advisor please ask your form tutor.
Mrs J Roper: can help to direct you to careers and study related information in the school library.
Additional sources of information
Careers Library – A range of careers books and resources can be found in the careers section of the school library
Careers Resources
- National Careers Service (Job Profiles)
- I Could… (Career Ideas)
- Careersbox Film Clips
Post 16 & 18 Options
- Apprenticeships
- UCAS (University courses & Information)
- Not going to Uni
The pages will be continually updated, so please check regularly for new information.
Next Review Date: November 2023.
If you would like to contact the Careers and Community officer, or if you have any suggestions for what you would like to see on these pages, please email