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Homework at QEGS

What do we mean by ‘homework’?

Homework includes any work completed by students outside of normal lesson time:

  • Work completed at home or in the library before and after school.
  • Work completed at home during normal school hours when a student is absent e.g. due to illness
  • Work completed when the school is closed to students (weekends and holidays)
  • Work completed outside of school (‘remote learning’)
  • Work completed outside of school hours using a smart phone or laptop (‘online learning’)

Homework also provides students with opportunities to:

  • Practice, consolidate and extend what they have learned in lessons.
  • Develop time management and discipline by working towards deadlines.
  • Prepare for assessments and examinations in advance (rather than ‘cramming’ the night before)
  • Develop their digital literacy skills by accessing and completing work ‘online’

At QEGS we value the contribution homework has on student progress. Students will be set compulsory homework by all subjects. Core subjects (English, Maths, Science and Languages) will set the equivalent of 30 minutes of homework a week. All other subjects will set a minimum of 30 minutes work a fortnight. Rewards will be distributed for completion of homework and high-quality work, students who fail to complete homework will receive a no homework log on Go4Schools. Students who complete homework will be rewarded through the new points system as we want to praise and recognise students who complete and submit their homework. Homework that goes beyond the expectations of the class teacher will be rewarded with higher points on the system.

All homework will be set on Go4Schools, and students will be made aware by their class teacher.

  1. Students will check go4schools for homework set and deadlines.
  2. To speak to the class teacher if they are unsure of the homework task or unlikely to meet the deadline.
  3. To complete the homework to the best of their ability and hand it in on time.
  4. To respond to any feedback from the teacher regarding their homework.
  1. Taking an interest, but not completing the work for them.
  2. Finding their child an appropriate space to work.
  3. Contacting their child’s Form Tutor should they have any concerns about homework or if it is about a specific piece of homework then the class teacher.

© 2025 Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School, Ashbourne Derbyshire Made by CODA Education

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QEGSMAT is a company limited by guarantee registered in England & Wales (Company No. 07698914)

Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School, Ashbourne Derbyshire