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Another bumper year of exam results!

Year 11 Exam Results 2019

Following on from last week’s superb Post-16 results, staff and students are celebrating another week of success at QEGS, with 2019 proving to be a huge success for Yr11 exam results too!

With new, tougher examinations and students experiencing more ‘end of course’ exams, less coursework and much more challenging questions, QEGS staff and students have excelled again. Particularly in equaling and/or exceeding, many of the already excellent 2018 achievements.

35% of all QEGS students were able to achieve one or more of the new ‘top grades’ compared to 30% in 2018. A phenomenal achievement for the school to build on the success of 2018 and for more of our students to achieve these top grades.

Our results continue to reflect our commitment to a broad and balanced curriculum. Another superb year for BTEC Travel and Tourism and Childcare who top the list for vocational successes. The arts, the technologies and the vocational pathways continue to go from strength to strength at QEGS as we ensure students can study relevant and purposeful courses which lead to a career and/or further education.

Building on the successes from last year, 2019 has also been an excellent year for the core subjects. In maths, 76% of students secured a grade 4 or higher, the equivalent to a C+ (73% in 2018); with 59% attaining a grade 5 or higher (51% in 2018). In English, 87% of students attained a Grade 4 or above (78% in 2018) and 72% succeeded in achieving a Grade 5 or more (68% in 2018).

Other notable successes include:

  • 100% pass rate in vocational courses including BTEC Engineering, Childcare, Travel and Tourism, Creative and Digital Media, Fashion and Textiles and Agriculture.
  • Subjects whose Yr11 examination results are particularly worthy of note other than English and Maths include: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Combined Science, Art and Design, Business Studies, Music and Computer Science.
  • Some amazing individual student performances. Students who made the most progress compared to national average expectations included Alexy King, Annabelle Spencer, Nikolina Jurska, Alexander Holbrook, Katy Curry, Kiera Ryan and Jessica Allcock. Well done to them all.
  • Students who deserve an accolade for the highest number of top grades at GCSE include Angela Le with an unbelievable eleven GCSEs at grade 9 or A*, Sam Glossop achieved nine at grade 9 or A*, Nicholas Farrand and Katy Curry both achieved seven grade 9s and Ben Johnson achieved six. Special mention to Angela Le, Emily Pitts and Nicholas Farrand who achieved commendations in their GCSE Further Maths exam (which places them amongst the highest in the country!).

Well done to all our students on being rewarded for your hard work, many thanks to all staff and parents for your continued support, we could not do it without you.

We look forward to seeing the majority of our students return to QEGS Sixth Form and for students looking to employment or college, we will be supporting their pursuit of their preferred pathway. Mrs Smith (Interim Head of Sixth Form) and her team will be in school on Thursday and at the start of term to offer help and advice.

Following such a successful set of exam results, we look forward to our biggest ever Year 7 cohort in September and welcoming existing students and staff back to school. For prospective students of all ages (and parents), we will be holding the 2019 QEGS’ Open Evening on Tuesday 24th September between 5pm and 7pm. Everyone is welcome, please come and find out about QEGS and see if this the school for you and your family.

Whilst we celebrate our students’ examination successes, we also acknowledge their contributions and achievements in all aspects of their time at QEGS. Such as in the school shows, music concerts, charity and fundraising events, student leadership, sports teams, art exhibitions, maths challenges, Duke of Edinburgh, observatory club and many other wonderful co-curricular activities at QEGS. To be the best you can possibly be, takes more than just academic success. Well done to all of our students and we hope you will be happy and successful in life.

Scott Garrity

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Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School, Ashbourne Derbyshire