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Boothby expansion means we have space!

Last week, an article in the Derby Telegraph reported that due to housing growth in and around Ashbourne, Derbyshire County Council said that a new secondary school needs to be built in the town.

You are all aware that we have recently completed, phase 1 of our expansion plans. The new Boothby block has 10 classrooms, a new canteen, 4 changing rooms and lots of study space. This expansion has increased our PAN (Pupil Admission Number) from 242 to 261 in Years 7-11. This means we have space in our school currently and will be able to meet future housing demand.

I have written to Derbyshire County Council to remind them of this completed first phase expansion. I have also reminded them of the second phase expansion to be built further down the line which will accommodate all planned housing in the years to come.

To conclude, we currently have space from increased capacity, and we will be able to accommodate our community’s needs both now and in the future.

Yours faithfully,

Mr S Garrity

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Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School, Ashbourne Derbyshire