The Equality Act 2010 replaced all existing equality legislation such as the Race Relations Act, Disability Discrimination Act and Sex Discrimination Act. It has consolidated this legislation to provide a single source of discrimination law.
Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School is committed to providing equal opportunities to everyone within the school’s learning community, including staff, students, parents and visitors to the school.
At Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School we value respect and will not tolerate racism, sexism, homophobia relating to gender or sexual orientation, prejudicial attitudes towards culture, religion. Special educational need/disability, bullying or any other oppressive behaviour.
Discrimination in any form is actively discouraged and students are encouraged to show respect for others. We recognise the important role which school plays in helping to form attitudes and values in young people and school will actively promote anti-discriminatory behaviour and work to prevent anti-social behaviours.
QEGS promotes a teaching and learning environment which is free from discrimination. Educational opportunities will be available to all, regardless of ability, age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnic or social background.
The school aims to ensure that students of all backgrounds are valued members of our community. The school seeks to give all students equality of opportunity irrespective of gender, sexual orientation, ability race or religion.
The school seeks to close the gap between the achievements of different groups of young people so that all have equal opportunities in their adult life and that they can contribute purposefully to society. This is fully reflected in the school’s aims, visions values and policies, all of which seek to promote positive relationships in an atmosphere of mutual trust and confidence.
The Academy’s Equality Objectives
The Academy’s Equality Objectives are set on a four year cycle and reviewed annually. These
objectives are linked with the Academy Improvement Plan.
- To ensure curriculum provision is appropriate for all students offering a range of curriculum
pathways, ensuring they result in good outcomes for pupils in all vulnerable groups, and to
review the curriculum considering new performance measures - Implement effective strategies to support pupils in all vulnerable groups following linear exam
courses - Improve the quality of support for pupils in all vulnerable groups in the classroom
- To promote wellbeing and equality.
Equality Statement (including Equality Objectives and Accessibility Plan)