Give &,

Design and Innovation Department

The Engineering course we offer our students at KS3/4 is an introduction to Engineering. Students who complete this course will learn the concepts necessary to develop their ideas into solutions that will improve their everyday lives. Exciting hands-on learning activities such as:

  • Year 7: Metal Monster
  • Year 8: Bottle Opener
  • Year 9: Hanging Basket Bracket, Rocket Stove, Tool Storage unit

Year 7 groups are working on ‘Metal monsters’ for their introduction SoW to metal work handling and bench workshop practice.

An early introduction to the use of hand tools such as metal scribes, engineer squares, general purpose hacksaws, taps and dies pus the pillar drill facilitate a ‘hands on’ approach to working with mild steel metal and its properties. Image shows a metal monster design and progress so far!

Year 8 Defender Project
Image shows a ‘car park’ of DEFENDER Great British design icon wooden toy ready for fitting out with students bespoke rear cab designs. Students learn how to use a template and hand tools to produce a basic uniform design and then create their own bespoke DEFENDER variant.

Year 9 Engineering
Students have spent this first 7 weeks of this SoW term totally focussed on Technical drawing. Topics covered have been 1st and 3rd angle orthographic projection to BS8888, isometric elevation and interpreting engineering information. This leads on to progression wherein students have to produce an accurate scale 1:1 wall mounted tool bracket design on card with their drawing equipment and then Q.C. check against their work against a jig before

Year 10 Engineering OCR in Manufacturing Level 1/2
Students have spent term 1 on technical drawing to BS8888. This course
students are undertaking is a new course for the school to undertake as
previous KS4 Engineering was based on Pearson’s OCR Engineering L1/2 course.

During this first term students have learnt 1st and 3rd angle projection, isometric construction, linear dimensioning, tolerances, types of line and cross-sectional construction. Technical drawing and the ability to understand technical drawing underpins engineering manufacture. Images show student technical drawing work.

The course’s intention and purpose is to educate students in a “hands on” environment whilst providing a mix of Theory and practical task-based education for all students. Those interested in becoming practicing engineers clearly benefit from this course content and structure.

© 2025 Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School, Ashbourne Derbyshire Made by CODA Education

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Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School, Ashbourne Derbyshire