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Firstly, Art and Design is a fun subject! The creative industries is an increasingly growing industry in Britain, especially games design, virtual reality, tv, film, advertising, media and web design. Art teaches students many transferrable skills, such as team work, experimentation, resilience, creativity and the ability to learn from your mistakes.

Art and Design is part of our wider culture and contributes towards the creative economy. The world is constantly developing and changing – our Art students are encouraged to respond to this and channel their thoughts, opinions and understanding into their work. Through Art, all students gain a memorable experience and sense of pride in their work which is not based on academic ability. They develop self-motivation and fine motor skills and are given the opportunity to exhibit their outcomes to a wide audience. Art and Design brings together students and their local communities through engagement in the curriculum. The school is decorated with a range of art work which creates a stimulating learning environment, encourages new students and always provides a ‘wow’ factor for visitors to the site.

We provide a safe and supportive learning environment, especially in the sixth form, with individual bays. Students enjoy our subject and choose to spend their free periods, lunches and break times working independently in the rooms. This prepares them for University life through developing organisation, independence and time management skills which are invaluable for higher education courses. We know our students very well due to the one-to-one feedback and tuition we provide. We go over and above to fully support all students through a holistic approach

Department Staff

Head of Department:

  • Mrs D Davis

Teaching Staff:

  • Miss S Matkin
  • Miss J Fowler
  • Mrs J Hilton

Support Staff:

  • Miss P Hellaby

© 2025 Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School, Ashbourne Derbyshire Made by CODA Education

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QEGSMAT is a company limited by guarantee registered in England & Wales (Company No. 07698914)

Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School, Ashbourne Derbyshire