Alone Together: An Online Exhibition
George M (Y13) has collated over 250 pieces of artwork from different students in order to raise awareness of mental health issues. Please check out the exhibition to give George and his exhibition the recognition they deserve. You can also donate to Young Minds, a charity that helps young people with mental health issues on their website.
The following link will take you to the exhibition:
‘Alone Together: An Online Exhibition
To donate to Young Minds, please follow the link in my bio.
This is an incredible charity that helps young people who are suffering with mental health issues – this is more important than ever during lockdown.
In the U.K. 84 men a week take their own lives – something needs to change. Together, we can work to overcome the stigma surrounding mental health. During this time, we truly can be “Alone Together”.
This exhibition began as a school project to celebrate creativity – it has now grown, and despite lockdown, we have still been able to hold an online exhibition. In collaboration with @qegs_artdept and @painsley_creativearts and The Art Society Dove Valley, i have been able to collate over 250 pieces of artwork in this exhibition. I am honoured that so many people have taken part, it truly means the world. This is an incredible celebration of the arts, and the power of humanity to draw together during these difficult times. Despite being alone, we are always together.’
Well done George, and everyone who took part!